Monday, December 8, 2008

Anxiety and Stress In Children


Anxiety and Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, over 19 million American suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. One out of every 75 people in the U.S. suffers from panic disorder. Women, more often than men, have been diagnosed with this condition more than men. So, what about kids? How does anxiety affect them? Is stress the same as anxiety? What can parents do if they feel that their child is overly anxious or stresses? This ScottCounseling article will provide you with answer to these questions. Parents will also receive some helpful tips and solutions so that you may teach your child how to cope with anxious or stressful situations.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling. Anxiety can include fear, apprehension and worry. It can be cognitive and emotional (mind), somatic (body) and behavioral (reaction to situation) that may cause a person to feel uncomfortable. Some Anxiety can be good for us because it alerts our senses to danger which may force us to do thing to protect ourselves. Constant anxiety may not be good because it may affect the body organs (such as our stomach) to increase certain harmful chemicals. Medical doctors often diagnose individuals who claim to have frequent headaches with anxiety-type disorders.

What is Stress?

Stress is any disruption of our normal, comfortable state that causes us to feel uncomfortable. Like anxiety, stress is a feeling, can affect our body and cause us to feel uncomfortable. Stress is pressure. It makes our mind and body work harder.

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