Monday, December 8, 2008

Homework Tips: Four Ideas To Get Your Child Studying

Helpful Hints For Homework

Establish a routine. Set a specific time every day for your child to do homework. Let your child set the time with you. Throughout the week, check in with your child about their assignments. When the check-in becomes routine, it's less stressful for the student and parent to discuss their homework or assignments. This also helps you and the child avoid last-minute frenzies.
Take Note of trouble areas. When you sit down with your child, ask them to show you the types of assignments they're presently working on and to describe areas where they might be having difficulty. Once you identify problems, you can work together to find the resources they need to create work they can be proud of.
Create a positive environment. It's no secret that when faced with a choice between homework, TV or Ipod, most kids will dump their homework every time. That's why it's important to provide your child with a good work environment—turn off electronic devices and help them learn to study in a quiet, focused space. Designate a specific area of your house for studying: Try to choose a well-lit space, and keep this area free from clutter so there is plenty of room for books and papers.
Set up a study group. Children are social being, and a peer group can become a powerful incentive for studying. Consider starting a biweekly study group for your child with his or her friends. You can also provide engaging source materials, such as instructional videos, guest speakers, field trips(library, science museum, zoo etc.) and more, to help expand on subjects.

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