Survey Question Read Record Review
Using The SQ3R Method
Reading instructors know how important it is to teach students a reading strategy that will help improve reading skills, comprehension and critical thinking. The SQ3R method is not only one of the most popular reading methods used to promote a sound reading foundation, but life-long reading skills.
Please click on the added links for more information on the use of this outstanding teaching strategy!
SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Record (formerly Recite) and Review. Most parents helping to teach their children how to read for comprehension and critical thinking skills were only taught how to form letter sounds to say a word. From there, many of us were taught the meaning of words and from this point on were expected to become proficient readers. Ouch!
SQ3R provides students with a road map to reading. It helps the young reader to begin to develop pictures in their mind and ask questions right after they read the title. SQ3R stimulates and challenges the young reader’s mind. It helps the reader to get excited about what they are going to read before any real reading takes place. SQ3R is especially popular in helping children read textbooks provided by their school. Here’s how it works:
S = Survey
While looking at the book’s title, chapter title or the main headings, ask the child to:
· Think about the title. “Guess what this is going to be about?”
· Read the introduction. “What are the main ideas?”
· Look at the boldface type. Again, “what are the main ideas?”
· Read the summary. “What is the summary about?” “What is this book or chapter about?”
· Read the questions at the end of the chapter. “What do you think are the most important parts of this chapter?”
Q = Question
While looking at the assigned chapter begin to ask questions for each paragraph heading and subheadings. Write your question down on paper. Now you are beginning to look for answers instead of just reading words. Wow!
R1 = Read
Read one section at a time. Look for the answer to your question. Begin to look for the answers that the chapter review wants you to find. Read selectively. Read for the answer and if the answer is not there in the reading- MOVE ON!
R2 = Record (formerly Recite)
Teachers use to have children recite in their own words (out loud) the answers to their questions. This is the “reciting” portion of SQ3R. Now, the new methods ask the students to “record” their answers in their notebooks. This promotes note taking and allows the students to practice their note-taking skills. This should be done for each section or heading of the chapter.
R3 = Review
Have the student review what they read and wrote including the questions asked by the text and their own questions.
Here are some other tips to help you, the parent, use SQ3R as a reading method to help your child tackle the challenging school textbooks:
1. Call or e-mail your child’s reading, language arts or speech teacher to see if they use SQ3R as a reading strategy. Ask for the information that the teachers’ use.
2. Click on one of the SQ3R links provided on this Web page for more information.