Internet Tips To Share With Your Children
Parents who are concerned about their child’s use of the Internet need to have a discussion that includes the following talking points:
- NEVER give out your full name, your telephone number, name of your school or your address over the Internet unless you have permission.
- NEVER arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you meet online. Be careful if you receive e-mail messages or files from a stranger --ALWAYS let us open them first. Sometimes web sites ask you to send in material for them to post online.
- ALWAYS check with me before sending a photo or anything you've written to someone you don't know.
- ALWAYS let me know if you see bad language or something that makes you feel uncomfortable online.
- ALWAYS see and tell me before clicking on links to other sites (including ads).
- NEVER buy anything online or give out credit card information without my permission.
Let your child know that the Internet is a great place to communicate, seek information and make our lives easier to live.
Also tell your child that the Internet can be unsafe or even dangerous. Depending on your child age, provide your child with the Internet information that is presented in this category.