Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Total Transformation Program Legit or Scam?

Is the Total Transformation Program legit or scam?  There are numerous online reviews of the Total Transformation Program.  This review, written by Scott Wardell, a school counselor and recognized parenting expert, provides the reader with the strengths and weaknesses of this program and answers the question: Is the Total Transformation Program legit or scam?

The Total Transformation creator, James Lehman, has come up with an outstanding step by step parenting workbook, DVD and CD’s program that turns ordinary parents into extraordinary parenting experts! This program, quit simply, has it all. Whether you are searching for the right technique, strategy or words to end a parent-child struggle, The Total Transformation Program provides real solutions.

How The Total Transformation Program Works

Parents want to know what words to use and how to speak with their child to end the power struggle. The Total Transformation Program not only teaches and provides parents with the “right words”, but helps parents to develop the skills necessary to become a more confident parent. The program provides detailed, easy to use, interactive workbook and CD's. James Lehman breaks parenting down in a step by step format that brings about success and immediate results!

Strengths of The Total Transformation Program
  • The Total Transformation Program builds parent confidence.  As you begin to learn sound parenting techniques (how to say "No," how to respond to your child's inappropriate behaviors, your parenting confidence grows.
  • My Child Argues is one of the top read parenting articles on this site. The Total Transformation Program provides powerful techniques that solves the arguments with your child instantly!
  • Word by word scripts are provided to teach you how to hold your child accountable. Age- appropriate child consequences are also shared in a manner that leaves the parent feeling guilt-free!
  • The greatest part of The Total Transformation Program is that’s it’s 100% refundable. No child counseling therapist or child treatment program will provide you with that guarantee.
  • The creator, James Lehman, has over 30 years of experience in behavior therapy.
  • Some adolescent and teen counselors actually provide the Total Transformation Program to their clients to borrow.
  • Cost? The average cost of seeing a child behavioral specialist runs between $80-$150 per session. For the money The Total Transformation is a steal...and, you do not have to give it back!
  • gives The Total Transformation Program a thumbs up and does not view this parenting program a "scam."
Weaknesses of the Total Transformation Program
  • The program does not work if you buy it and don't use it. Yes, you will have to do some reading and yes, you will have to listen to the CD's. For some, this can be tedious and boring; especially if you are not interested in how kids tick.
  • With homework and practice, the entire program takes approximately seven weeks to go through. If you do not have the time or parent commitment, this program may not be for you.
  • You may have to change your parenting style. For some parents, this will be hard and uncomfortable. My suggestion is, if you do not want to change some of your current parenting techniques, save your money.

The Total Transformation Program Legit or Scam article is written by Scott Wardell, MA in School Counseling and Specialist in School Administration. Mr. Wardell is an affiliate of the Legacy Publishing Company.

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